Yelp Fusion API Python example


Have you heard of Yelp before ? Probably yes, it is a crowd sourced review local search service. Today, we are going to demonstrate Yelp’s open API using Python. We are going to implement a simple Python script to search for a business, get its rating, address and phone number. Our script utilizes Yelp Fusion search API to query for business using a search term and location. Sounds good ?

Let us get started…

Yelp developer

Follow the steps below…

  • In order to be able to use Yelp Fusion API, we need to register as a developer, create an app and get an API key. This is straight forward, just go to here and the rest is self explanatory.
  • If you do not have the requests library installed, do so by running the following command…


For explanation, take a look at the comments…

Example output

We can go fancy and implement command line arguments but this is only a demonstration. Run the script from the command line…

If everything is ok, we should get an output that looks like the following…

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