Category: Computer Networks

Difference between network operating system and distributed operating system

Introduction This is a commonly asked question among students. I think part of the confusion comes from mixing terms from academia specially operating systems courses with software industry terms such as cloud computing and big data. Network operating systems and distributed operating systems are fundamentally different concepts. Let us see what the difference is. Network

Python REST API example

Introduction In order for two networked computers to exchange data, a protocol has to be used. A protocol is an agreed method to identify computers (ex. PC, iPhone), applications (ex. browser, web server) and resources (ex. webpage, image, database table). A protocol also facilitates secure (ex. encryption) and reliable (ex. data loss protection) communication. The

Web Py SSL

I assume you have a Mac computer and is already installed. I also assume openssl is installed. Follow the steps below to enable SSL on your web server. openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024 openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt In your

Charles SSL Certificate Android and iOS

If you want to view and decrypt SSL connections (https) sent from your mobile device or if you are getting the message “ssl proxying not enabled for this host: enable in proxy settings, ssl locations” then you came to the right place. Here is a tutorial on how to do that: Charles SSL certificate iPhone

Execute Windows command from Linux

Winexe can be used to invoke remote Windows commands from Unix based system like Linux. Follow the steps below to build and install Winexe… installation Steps Download winexe from sourceforge Copy source code to the linux machine for example: scp winexe-1.00.tar.gz user@linuxhost:/path/to/winexe ssh to the linux machine and extract the package you just uploaded in