
Hello! Welcome to my personal website. My name is Mohammed. I am a software engineer at ActiveCampaign. You can follow me on Quora if you wish. The fact that you landed at this blog probably means you are a computer science student, software engineer or a geek maybe. If that is the case then you are at the right place. I hope you will enjoy and benefit as well. This blog contains a cocktail of topics on computing such as algorithms, data structures, programming languages, database systems, operating systems, software quality engineering, internationalization, coding interview questions, articles, tutorials and more.

Content based websites are impossible to count these days and numbers on the rise but few websites provide quality content. Even if you find quality content you might not find it clean, easy to read and navigate. With that said I decided to compile whatever I have in terms of work experience, academic knowledge and personal projects under one clean and easy to read website that is 8bitavenue.com

The website name looks like a street address (8 bit avenue). It is a virtual place on the Internet where geeks hangout. All modern computing is built on top of streams of bits and bytes. A byte is nothing but 8 bits that is how the name came to life. Tons of good websites are buried under piles of search results but you can help promote the good. Link to this blog and share with friends. That is the best way to give me the energy to keep it live.

Thanks for visiting.