Java Singleton Cache Example

Problem Given the Java cache interface below, write a singleton class that implements the interface so that no warnings are generated without using @SuppressWarnings annotations Solution The question is mainly about two points: Type checking warning must be fixed Singleton design pattern should be implemented here is how I approached the problem… I modified the map private

Difference Between User Level Threads and Kernel Level Threads

Introduction Before we start, I recommend that you read this post first. It talks about concurrency in operating systems and clarifies the main difference between multitasking, multithreading, multiprogramming and multiprocessing. If you are done, let us proceed and define some relevant terms so that things are put into perspective. In this article, I am targeting

Difference Between System Call, Procedure Call and Function Call

System Call In order to better understand the difference between different call types, let us set some context for discussion. We are referring here to modern operating system (OS) design concepts. So, what are the main goals of having an OS in the first place ? Well, the OS achieves two primary goals for users.