Merge sort c++ algorithm

Merge sort c++ string

Given a character string in small letter case. Write a C++ function to sort the string using Merge Sort Algorithm.

Merge Sort C++

Merge sort c++ implementation

Merge sort is a popular sorting algorithm that runs in O(nlogn). It uses divide and concur technique so it keeps dividing the input array into two halves while recursively calling the algorithm on those smaller arrays. At the end the algorithm produces two sorted arrays that need to be merged in order to get the final sorted array. The merge part runs in linear time. We only go through the sorted halves and compare one character from the first half to another character in the other half. We push the smaller character to the final result. At the end we push those characters that were not pushed from either half to the final result. Note that in order for the algorithm to operate on the two halves extra space is allocated for each half.

Merge sort c++ step by step

Here is an example. Let us assume the input string is “dcba”

Here is how the merge of cd and ab works:

Merge sort c++ sample source code

Here is a merge sort c++ program code example

I hope you liked this short merge sort c++ tutorial. If you have questions, please use the comments section below. thanks for reading.

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