Prime numbers list

List of prime numbers

Write a C++ program to find the prime numbers between 100 and 10000

Prime numbers list

What is a prime number

Definition: A number (N) is prime if it has no divisors except 1 and (N)

Prime number calculator

To check if (N) is prime we divide (N) by all numbers from 3 to (N-1) one at a time. If we can find at least one number that divides (N) then (N) is not a prime otherwise it is a prime number. This technique is good for small numbers but it becomes impractical for large numbers. For example if we want to check whether (1000) is a prime number or not then we need to check if it can be divided by any number between (3) and (999). There are some fast primality tests that require advanced mathematics however we can improve the algorithm described earlier a little bit if we notice that all of the divisors of a number come in pairs for example (24) has the following divisors: (1,24) (2,12) (3,8) (4,6). The key is to notice that all of the first numbers occur before the square root of (24). In other words, if a number (N) has a divisor greater than (1) it must be less than or equal to the square root of (N). So you just need to try all the numbers from (3) up to the square root of (N). As you can see the square root of (N) is way less than N which reduces the number of iterations dramatically. Notice that we start at (3) not at (2) because if the number is even and greater than (2) it can not be prime. Moreover testing for divisors from (3) to the square root of (N) need not to include even divisors. This would even improve the performance of the algorithm a little bit more and finally if a divisor is found then there is no need to continue testing the other divisors.

Prime number sequence code

Here is a C++ code example algorithm to do that

I hope we got prime numbers explained in this short tutorial. If you have questions or comments, please use the comments section below. Thanks for visiting.


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